sro   audiences   standing room only
the tv audience company
Restaurant in Your Living Room is a new show in which people open up their homes as restaurants. In each area, we’ve found two couples who want to open up their homes and turn their dining room into a restaurant for one night only – and now we need diners to fill them!

We ask our diners to treat these homes like a fully functioning restaurant with one difference: come in, eat a meal, take part in a unique dining experience but, at the end of the evening, to pay whatever they feel the service and food was worth – yes; if they don’t like it, they could choose to walk out without paying anything!

Our diners will meet us at a pre-arranged location (a nearby bar etc) and then be escorted to the restaurant for a unique dining experience!

If you would like to join us for this unusual dining opportunity in Wembley on on Thursday 13th August 2009, then apply now!


w w w . s r o a u d i e n c e s . c o m