sro   audiences   standing room only
the tv audience company


To apply to take part in the show, please complete IN FULL and submit the details below. We will forward these to the production company on your behalf.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out and submit the form below. Please note that the production company, Orchard Studios, will only be able to contact those who are successful.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 7th March 2025 and families applying must be based in the UK.

Orchard will cast inclusively and ensure they are speaking to a wide range of potential contributors from different backgrounds and regions across the UK, deliberately targeting a variety of communities via social media etc.

Orchard's privacy policy is available at

Here at SRO Audiences, we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us. However, from time to time, we would like to contact you by email with details of other shows in which we think you may be interested so that you may choose to apply at that time. SRO Audiences never pass your details to any third party without your consent.

Please note that sro audiences never pass on any of your personal details, except to the production company for this show, Orchard Studios. By submitting this information you are consenting to our use of such information in the production of the programme...

First name:
Last name:
Full postal address:
Daytime phone number:
Evening phone number:
Email address:
First names and ages of the family members with whom you wish to take part:
Please tell us a bit about yourself and these family members:

I have read & accepted the privacy policy and consent to SRO Audiences contacting me. I understand that I may unsubscribe at any time

By submitting this form, I give my permission for SRO Audiences to send the above information to the production company named at top of the application form and that that company can contact you using the contact details given here in connection with this programme.

w w w . s r o a u d i e n c e s . c o m